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Start with a ridiculously small goal
The concept of what you do is what you get good at doing applies acutely to the get it done muscle. How can you strengthen this muscle and use it to form positive and lasting habits?

The path of least resistance runs two ways
Unlike in nature, the path of least resistance in life runs two ways.

Do you love mise en place like I do?
Mise en place is a concept I’ve come to love because of the way it helps me think about routine and being organized.

Take advantage of compounding effects: 3 ways (+ One Hidden Superpower)
Compounding effects is important not only because of the exponential improvements you see with continuous, daily effort; but because realizing the results of compounding effects is the most potent motivator you will find.

A certain kind of decision fatigue
This week I’m thinking of the kind of decision fatigue that comes from making too many decisions throughout the day.

Falling asleep faster: new ways to overcome sleep-onset insomnia
This week, I’m thinking about high-quality sleep, with a particular focus on falling asleep quickly and overcoming sleep-onset insomnia.

Life in the Information Overload Age
Before focusing on new practices, take time to establish foundational principles first.

Why you should treat yourself like a 5-year old
Start with a few questions you might ask a child

Wellness & Striving
Pursuing a “healthy” lifestyle can sometimes lead to a feeling of “never enough.”